This is a collection of some of the art I have done over the years

A digital illustration of a mural containing four figures, each with a dedicated season labelled underneath.

The Season Sisters

Four Goddesses, each representing one of the four seasons.

Amara, the summer goddess, Hester, the Autumn Goddess, Teia, the Spring goddess, and Chyrus, the Winter goddess


Laura, the rainbow lorikeet

Part of a series of magical girl inspired characters I made based on Australian animals.



One of my oldest OCs. The protagonist of a story set in a dystopian world that I will probably never write.


Alex and Oliver

My beloved OCs Alex and Oliver, the main characters of my Webtoon "Off With a Fairy".


Tiefling character

A character I made on a whim for no other reason than I just felt like it. I really like tieflings.


Red panda

I wanted to get better at drawing animals, so I spent a day just drawing a bunch of them. I liked this one so I put it on here.



A digital painting of my sibling's taxidermy mouse that I made them as a christmas present.


Oliver colour guide

Colour guide for the protagonist of my webtoon "Off With a Fairy".


A digital painting of a woman's side profile done in various shades of blue. The woman's face holds a neutral expression.

Chyrus, the winter goddess

My entire world building project pretty much started with a single drawing of what I at the time just called "the frost goddess". Over the past couple of years, the project has grown exponentially beyond what I ever would have expected. The original drawing that started it all was a simple side profile painting of the character I now call Chyrus. This is an omage to that painting. The original isn't on here because it's a bit shit.



A very, very old character of mine from a long abandoned project. He is an unidentified fantasy creature who can do magic, and has been my profile picture on social media for a couple of years now. Most drawings I've made of him portray him as a child, as that is how I initially created and imagined him to be, this drawing was made just to imagine what he might look like when grown up just for fun and ended up looking much cooler than I expected.


Dancing ballerinas

I just think ballerinas look incredible and offer a vast wealth of dynamic poses to help with anatomy practice. So I drew a bunch of them.


Highland cow

One of my drawings I am most proud of, a good cow. One of the collection of animal drawings I did in an attempt to improve in my ability to draw them.


Out in the rain

I rarely draw environments or backgrounds, so I wanted to challenge myself with a simple street background whilst still focusing on the character art I'm more familiar with. Definitely think it's a little stiff and there's a lot of room for improvement, but I ended up being quite pleased with the end result.


Rainbow mermaid

I just really love drawing mermaids. You can get such dynamic shapes from them, and the floaty hair is always so fun to draw. There is literally no other reason for this drawing to exist other than that I just like drawing mermaids.


Michael, the fish with legs

Okay, how do I explain this one? Is it even worth trying to? This is Michael, he is my friend's OC and this drawing was made as a birthday present. No, I will not explain any further.


Baby fox

When I was little, I wrote a book where all the characters were different baby animals. One of them was a baby fox called Foxy (Give me a break, I was seven). I wanted to draw her again since it had been so long and I was feeling kind of nostalgic, so here she is.
